1. MAGNAMWAR::after_ortho_format
    Formatted output of OrthoMCL.
  2. MAGNAMWAR::after_ortho_format_grps
    Formatted output of OrthoMCL.
  3. MAGNAMWAR::joined_mtrx
    Final output of join_repset.
  4. MAGNAMWAR::joined_mtrx_grps
    Final output of join_repset.
  5. MAGNAMWAR::mcl_mtrx
    Final output of AnalyzeOrthoMCL
  6. MAGNAMWAR::mcl_mtrx_grps
    Final output of AnalyzeOrthoMCL
  7. MAGNAMWAR::pheno_data
    Triglyceride (TAG) content of fruit flies dataset.
  8. MAGNAMWAR::starv_pheno_data
    Starvation rate of fruit flies dataset.